Doesn’t ruin it for me. I mean, he’s a Texas lawyer. We’re all scumbags in one way or another.
I don’t know about the next Einstein or nuts. It is possible to live on a scale with those as poles, Nikola Tesla comes to mind. He was definitely right about some stuff and some stuff was branded crazy whether it was or wasn’t. There are still a lot of what ifs and strange patents left over from him.
Aside from the aesthetics here, I am seriously worried about this woman’s head. What will happen to her follicles? Will her hair be able to grow out? Ok, everyone’s looking for humor, but it’s a bad business having this stuff anywhere on your body. I hope she’s ok.
More like the whole arm up to the elbow.
Hang these treasonous republicans.
And, in turn, these are T***p’s lieutenants
Ivana was his first handler
You can bring stupid to a watering hole but you can’t teach it to drink, that is where they failed.
THANK YOU, Judge Howell! We’re all a little safer with this scumball locked up. Throw away the key, if you please.
you’re right. it gets in the way of them shooting themselves in the dick.
That would constitute the democrats actually doing their job and getting something done, which is clearly against their own rules.
Hm...I wonder who in Kentucky would benefit from doing direct business on american soil with the russians. It couldn’t possibly be Moscow Mitch and/or Russkie Rand, right? They are positively oozing with integrity and good will toward their constituents so this would certainly come as a shock. A shock I tell you!
“co” in “collusion” suggest a parity between the parties. Trump has parity with a road apple when it comes to raw intellect.
“The feeling was that he was extremely vulnerable intellectually, and psychologically”
“i didnt write that. barron did.” or that ghostwriter.
also, why didnt they say “hey, remember when you wrote this pro russia thing in the 80's after visiting russia?” during their investigations?
He’s putting two-thirds of it right into savings, so he seems to be learning well.
Major kudos to his mother for teaching him fiscal responsibility. He’s only 10 but he already knows more about how finances actually work than most high-school students.