
Frankly I’m more than tired of these assholes. The National Guard stationed in DC for this protest should have been armed and allowed weapons free.

Trump can say whatever he wants now, it doesn't matter. This is it. This is his legacy when the documentaries are made, when the books are written. The final scenes, the last chapter, will be hateful, stupid, gullible people revolting against the US Government to defend a lie, at the request of the worst human being

You didn’t believe black people.

Shoot those maga idiots. Shoot them all dead.

Well, at least she’s got her previous career to fall back on. Now where are those dalmatians?...

Seeing pictures of the Dream showing up to the game in Vote Warnock shirts had me howling.  I wish I had that kind of swagger. 

But, are we actually sure that Loffler and Coulter and all these other rail-thin blond ladies aren’t actually the same person, or some cloning project gone wrong?  They just seem to keep popping up.  

I bet she didn’t see that loss coming...

Remember it was all about keeping taxes low and stock market high for the people who own millions in stocks, yachts, over seas bank accounts, multiple homes, etc. Basically the people who can afford to pay taxes.

Her country girl cosplay was nearly as nauseating as...welll....her.

Find construction equipment large enough and drop a piece of Stone Mountain on her like what happened to the witch in Wizard of Oz.

This.  Red state voters lined up in droves to keep people like McConnell and Loeffler and their ilk in office, all the while suffering financially and medically for it while the pandemic rages on.  All they had was fear, racism, and the grim specter of SOCIALISM to rally people to the ballot boxes.  There were no real

You know who else worked to elect Warnock and should be feeling pretty good today?

because who could have figured “Actively work to make a pandemic worse and kill as many Americans as possible” and “Refuse over and over, as loudly and publicly as possible, to provide any meaningful relief to struggling Americans during a pandemic” would not have been winning strategies?

At the same time basically everyone is assuming that Ossoff also won his election, the networks just don’t want to call any race that’s within the recount margin. However, there’s essentially no path to victory for Perdue here. Which means that, yes, Republicans just lost the Senate. Because of Georgia. Don’t think

I really hope the Dems learned a lesson from Ossoff’s comments about White Power Barbie campaigning with a Klansman—when they give you the means to torch them, lean into that shit and torch them.  Don’t be coy or think you’re taking the high road by not mentioning it because today’s GOP will NOT be coy or take the

Don’t shed any tears for Fake Ann Coulter/Bass-Pro Barbie.

Let’s just say I’m in a part of the country where the state of public transportation is such that if you’re riding a bike and not decked out in Spandex or actively on a trail it is assumed you’ve gotten one too many DUIs.  The used bike market ain’t awesome.

Zach has been like this since his season 2 recaps and it’s annoying. I come here to see what grade he’s given the episode, and then go to io9 read their recap

Seconded. This season has been its best.