
Not as many lawyers in Russia. 

I was thinking it has a subtle Mk.I Escort vibe to it. I also dig it.

Ahhhhh, goddamnit. Well I was on board until this...
Fuckin’ hell would it kill people to make actual gauges and controls instead of this shit that actually kills people? The number of pedestrian accidents is on the rise because of stupid “centric” designs based around a touch screen like this that take your eyes off

It’s so, so stupid. 

The photos and some sections call it an “Alpha” and others call it an “Alfa” which I read as Alfa Romero, part of the FCA empire. You should probably fix the typos.

Take to the streets. Put the pressure on. No justice. No peace. Never, ever let a murderer think he is a hero.

Loss of pension AND any/all legal fees and fines are the police’s (not the union, not the city, but personally) responsibility.

“If you won’t turn on your body camera, you cannot work in our city.”

this is why shit gets burnt down

Did you read the article, especially the quote I snipped?

Pedestrian injuries did fall 80 percent — from 16 to 3 — during the police crackdown, which ended on July 26, but bike injuries didn’t budge, Hofmann said. The operation focused on dangerous driver behaviors, such as speeding and failure to yield.

That is hideous.  Jaw droppingly hideous.  Every single time I see one on the road I marvel that they were allowed to produce the thing.


The new F-Type facelift. Took a beautiful, timeless design and turned it thoroughly “meh”.

You have to have a minimally functioning intellect to comprehend irony, so...

Yeah....these people calling for martial law to overturn an election are the same people who think that being asked to wear a mask is tyranny. They don’t see the irony.

I’m fine with the precedent that if they commit crimes against the American people, or straight up warcrimes, then they should go to jail. The law should apply all the way to the top as well as all the way to the bottom. The courts are supposed to show neither fear nor favor, and historically they’ve always failed at

I still believe that throwing ex-Presidents in jail is largely a very bad precedent to set, but I’m more than willing to test that with this guy.

Semper vapid (roughly).