
“You can lift it up anytime you like.”

if they didn’t want you to use all that runway, then they shouldn’t have paved it.

Now playing

Another good one - with most excellent Aussie commentary (from the tower, no less):

What a bunch of clowns.

It’s telling that they call themselves “boys” and not “men”. 

She’s a vet who wants to shrink military spending and end wars, so if that’s all you know about her that doesn’t sound too bad.

“I’m not in any position to tell anyone how my behavior made them feel. I have no excuses for my alcoholism or aggression, only rationalizations. I have been abusive to myself and everyone around me for years. I have a history of hurting the people closest to me. I’m ashamed of that history and am sorry to those I

There is always one asshole camping in the left lane! /s

Remember when a chunk of Bernie supporters felt Tulsi was the second best candidate in the race? I hope that has changed.

What about Plowy McPlowface

What? No Plowy MacPlow?

Amobea in the brain, more likely. Snakes have standards.

I am about four classes away from it.” She declined to name the school, saying, “I don’t want them to get harassed.”

I think it’s the fact that she’s cosplaying a blond Sarah Palin.

“I would take it seriously if it came from Trump, because Trump cares about American lives,” Carone said, adding that if television networks friendly to Trump such as One America News or Newsmax “told me to go get tested, I would do it.”

Don’t look now but the morons might actually wipe themselves out. Also, I’ve got

These people have fucking snakes in their brains, and can’t be helped. 

That’s Japan. This is what a Chinese car looked like in 1968:

Yeah, but rich people doing PR for their active participation in wealth inequality?

I dunno....they can always go fuck themselves.

That Matt Gaetz photo reminds me of something...