
Her interview on CNN just goes to show how incredible she is:

Trying to put her vapid self on the same intellectual level as Christine Lagarde...that went exactly as expected [chef kiss]

Don Lemon brought this very point up on CNN yesterday...

“Clearly the character is going on an arc where he realizes that Osyraa isn’t all she pretends to be, but given the dry, flat line-readings, it’s hard to get invested in his inner turmoil. I just wanted him to stop talking.”

Yup - plans on leaving not like a constipated rusty turd but as an explosive orange shart...

Land Rover Discovery (LR3/LR4) into the amorphous blob that is the “New Discovery”

Treason used to end with outcomes worse than jail...

Ellen showing she is still in touch with the plebs...

And this is what earns you respect...

ooo the next-gen cybertruck

How in the heck do the wings not rip off the fuselage at those speeds...

Umm... maybe this is why:

For some real overlanding inspiration, check out these two as they trek across the world in a Defender:

~90 gigs

Just get the new flight simulator:

Tried out the sim and it is mind blowing in its detail and graphics - they’ve even got the sound of the raindrops hitting the windscreen right.

da da komrade...p.s. they’ll never release your wife from the gulag

Can’t wait for this orange shitbag to be tried and convicted as a traitor...just add that to the list

At this point, you’re either part of Putain’s propaganda machine or against it

Star for a much better interpretation of the word...