Most of these are yachts over 8m
Most of these are yachts over 8m
If you worked in China and your name was Michael, you’d agree with Bradley.
Mr Destro - I just have to say that Cobra would be a much better option than the DHS...
Before you fly over on a sponsored trip, just make sure you don’t have a Michael in the family...
Conde Nast’s revised policies - “here’s pictures of the four non-white folks you’re not to challenge at the door”. Bet you I’m right.
She’s actually dumber than rusty nails
Considering their Level ~1.5 systems still run into stationary immovable objects on a regular basis, it’s pretty fair to call this horse shit.
He’s starting to get nervous because “traitor” has a whole lot of strings attached...
My god that sound.
Rule Britannia. Or is that Rue Britannia...
Powerful indeed. Name and shame Prachi. This is a reckoning many didn’t ever expect to see coming.
That is great design. Would be a tad better if they integrated the indicators into the DRL but that’s a small nitpick...
I’d listen to the advice given the username...
Tom had the right take with the Delica. Since you’re going to be in Canada, just pick one up for cheap in British Columbia and use the rest of your cash on...erm..whatever floats your boat. A boat perhaps.
Nope - his carefully measured response was bang on. Dealing with a man-child who is also representing your largest trading partner, sometimes requires delivering a message that goes “whoosh”.
Russian AI still has a way to go...
THAT’s what it was...!
Having worked on standards and testing for AEB and AV systems - your blanket statement is BS.
Hadn’t seen this - thanks for sharing!
If you like rally sims, you really should check out the latest version of Dirt. Loads of fun with a good wheel / pedal combo...