
The tube is still a shitshow at peak hours and definitely not something to be put up on a shining pedestal as an example...

she won’t be speaking much when she’s gurgling through a noose

There’s a reason this age demographic is also the most represented in fatal crashes...

Brave of you to share this Mike - glad to have you back with us.

Dear Auntie Maxine. Please continue to bring the pain. Thank you.

That might actually be for the best given how effective the meddling was in vote-splitting the uninformed...


[sees circular firing squad - brings popcorn]

bone spurs

Like a really good car meet, it generally doesn’t give a fuck about race...

Simple. Just assume Trump is re-elected due to Democratic incompetence, infighting, and the inability to mobilize the center.

God help anyone digging in her backyard...

Stupid is as stupid does

You would think the terrain proximity systems and manual overrides would have precedent over the MCAS - terrifying that the engineers didn’t account for that workflow

Well they are the embodiment of incestuous Nazi scum, so don’t put it past them

Post race interviews would about the same as Kimi’s...

Provocation to elicit a response has always been the endgame for Al Qaeda and ISIS...

I’m so lonely

roger that indeed

His face fat jiggles