
Don’t underestimate the absolute stupidity of the mouth breathers who elected the orange underwear streak...

Please do become a political reporter. Having someone laugh in their face is exactly what these bastards deserve.

It’s wonderful now that even fewer of the unwashed masses can afford to use the streets that I do

There are places on earth we can make pretty damn hot for her first...

Or as it’s pronounced in Spain “Say...ath”

“...and the school wouldn’t allow him to swim in Daisy Dukes.”

Just wish it was into her face...

Loved this reaction at 1:14 of the video...

There was definitely some poo involved in that test...

I love that the Merc seat belt pretensioners give you a little “hug” every time you clip in...

She’s only slightly less imbecilic than the baying masses...

I’m amazed you can put sentences together. Not amazed that you likely procreated.

Soylent green new deal. Win win.

You’re all stealing ideas from Mojo Swoptops...

And you’re not entitled to a Merc on the first day on the fast and far you make your way up through the machine is solely down to your own drive.

The edge is is not statistically more dangerous. Beneath a vehicle is.

You should let her rise on her own merits rather that putting her up on a pedestal...that’s exactly what the Reps are counting on.

Oh shut it. Getting soundly beaten once wasn’t enough was it...

So he can’t see beyond his righteousness indignation...again. Trump doesn’t even need to try at this rate.

Bernie - splitting the vote since 2016...