
That’s a pretty accurate reflection of how much intelligence actually gets developed through college education. It doesn’t matter how much you can fake book smarts, garbage in garbage out.

Getting your PSA out of the grays for our good readers. Hassett does deserve a long term case of IBS.

I’ve heard eye drops work wonderfully well...

Seeing Akio make it out to the WRC events last year, and watching his reaction with the drivers on the podium pretty much cemented his status as a bonafide gearhead...

That’s a beautiful piece - my condolences.

The inspiration for their new design language...

That’s how the GOP can have plausible deniability along with thoughts and prayers

How about rocking an old-school 4x4 Delica Chamonix?!

And setting up a stunt to tow a vehicle with the brakes on to brag about torque isn’t. Got it.

My point is neither are defensible as both are posturing...

Tesla owners pretending to be holier-than-thou while still purchasing them for the sake of pretension are posturing in a very similar way...

Whole thing was staged. A golf cart or Barbie Mobile could have pulled this off...

As their sensors are still flummoxed by flatbeds and tow trucks, I’d still rather they be testing around your neighborhood first Lauren...

With that much coke in his system, this material must be pure gold as it bounces around in the grey mush between his ears...

Interesting dimples in the roof (under the camo) behind the windscreen...

If you’re looking at an A4/S4 or 335,The W205 C-Class should be a solid contender too (the C400 and 450 are the ultimate sleepers).

My ol’ A3 was tight as a drum after 12 years...

I’ll take this over the amorphous blob that is the new Discovery...

Name should be changed to Bob Kopi-Luwak

I’d love to see this story on Tiny House Hunters...