
Ready to do battle with the Chevy Super-EGO...

there there sit back down in the corner

The holier-than-thou brigade is out in full force...who needs a facist right when you’ve got them helping things along

How about ruski human centipede

Couldn’t agree more. It’s going to be hard standing on a soapbox in an empty room.

We had PETA railing against a dairy producer trying to promote drinking breast milk instead. They’re foaming at the mouth...

British Columbia tried this experiment and that’s exactly the effect it had on the cost of living for the rural and poor.

Tell that to the Canadian government who are also trying to push through a carbon tax plan (which will basically have the same effect).

“...example of where the semi-autonomous driving system may have saved someone’s life”.

Amazing how simple decency instantly contrasts to orange sharts billowing out of the WH

Actually, more people should be fucking with them...

I wonder how long it’ll take their marketing MBAs to realize that people aren’t laughing with them...

Bring on those T-shirts...

This is going front page on OANN...

Womp womp MFr

Who needs a dish served cold when steaming hot burns are so much more satisfying...

The amount of entitled omniscience just continues to drip... 

That image pure gold - star for you.

If she wants to open up the discussion, I’m good with watching her sizzle on a stake...

Just remember you’ve got a large but silent blob of MAGA Beckys keeping this Titanic afloat...