
BS. The Tax is being rejected by parties of all political spectrums because of the inane way it was forced on Provinces without a macro framework for transition, or a strategy to prevent costs from being funneled to consumers / the electorate.

Always love these historical gems you bring up, Elizabeth. Fascinating...

why so fucking polite?


Here is another person deserving of a good dox

“...especially on disaffected young men”. Spot on - the left and center should not lose sight of this fact. At this point, the right has more than locked up this demographic for 2020.

The guillotine would be too civilized for these wastes of flesh - drawn and quartered is much more appropriate...

You’d have to spell it “moran” for a tiny spark to flicker in her lobotomized skull

Agreed. Time to drop the ideological high ground because right has far less scruples

Fair. But I am also okay with pissing them off in perpetuity


“people” is being generous. The swine trough they crawled out of has more of a chance of being labelled sentient

Anger should be a huge motivator. Vote with purpose.

Take solace in the fact his anus is going to be ripped out through his throat once the power shift comes...

Your use of “us” is presumptions. There is a reason why we are living this reality...

Couldn’t agree more. Shilling vaporware over and over again has put a nice solid tarnish of this turd of a brand. Which is unfortunate because it doesn’t have to be.

Absolutely correct. This is how strong voting for the party has become...which contrasts against the “ideology” based voting which is what killed us. Know your enemy.

Because the mouth breathing bovines who voted him in have one even worse

Couldn’t agree more. The visibility from the LR3 / LR4 is unbelievable. The new Disco - not so much...

The 63 in dark blue is just pure menace. Love it.