
Fair. Though that’s a pretty low bar... and “popular”support is tough to measure when you’re sampling the plutocracy, and anything other than a high-kicking goosestep in support will get you a mild case of the polonium. Yes, he’s amassed personal wealth, squeezed from the blood as any little dictator would - the point

I’m certain Nimrata was shocked an appalled at this affront to decorum...

You can add Russia to list of laughing stocks...with little putain writhing around in the dirt to try and distract from the hemorrhaging of his economy.

Time for bleeding-heartism is over

Username has spoken

All three could use a good broiling

Nobody is going to buy your MDX with that attitude

The more this is prolonged...the more delicious it becomes visualizing the stress veins popping in cheeto’s eyeballs.

The Trumpers are reading this headline and wringing their hands in glee...bring on Bernie 2.0 to split the vote.

Republicans would expect a “Nimrata” to be sewing their $52K curtains...

Handle checks out...

At the same time...

bullshit - yesterday was all about petulance and entitlement. 

No guns or rockets, no care...

I can’t make popcorn fast enough dammit...

Polling was quite effectively weaponized to mobilize a base...just wait till October and November showing significant leads for the “progressive insurgents”...

Not unless he’s clocked first...

...well there’s people behaving normally vs behaving like asshats. Unfortunately the latter is easily more prevalent.

I really hope that orange jumpsuit fits snug and chafes well...

president’s morning ritual of slaughtering a baby goat so he can use the blood to moisturize his scalp” FTFY