
He’s getting his comeuppance, one way or another...

Your riding is St. Petersburg...and not in Florida.

That’s very bluesky...and naive. Most new / unbiased studies estimate critical mass won’t be achieved anytime soon, let alone by anything even closely capable of L4 or above.

There’ll be a direct connection between the urinals in the russian embassy and his casket

It’s fairly well proportioned from the sides but still hideous from dead a wide-eyed goblin shark

Libby, you’re applying logic and America. Please stop.

You aren’t enemies of the are enemies of his people: signed Putain and friends.

Years of deep dark secrets about Daddy...

Crap man - learn to damn swim! At least try the backstroke so you can’t see Meg coming...

This was published by the American Center for Mobility - so hardly unbiased.

There’s a vat of acid waiting for her in a warehouse.

Sanders 2.0

There’s a 1/4" drill bit just waiting for his left eyeball

It’s ironic that Uber and Lyft drivers are part of the planned obsolescence...there is a fascinating transportation study on zero-occupancy vehicles.


^ The real trick is 2-3 year old cars + high depreciation (say a Range Rover). You still get the factory warranty and you’re now paying $30K for an $80K vehicle with all the bells.

There’s a model to follow when Canada’s federal legislation kicks in in October.

Tar shape tape...and feathers

womp womp Komrade

Hang was an interesting word choice...