
The captions had it as she as well. Threw me for a loop.

Well, as Alfred Kroeber said, "Anthropology is the most humanistic of the sciences and the most scientific of the humanities."

Another cultural anthropologist here. I think I actually squeed when they name dropped Sapir-Whorf.

That's…not a good comparison at all. Trying to decipher a long dead language with limited samples is a far cry from actively communicating with a speaker/writer of a foreign language. It only takes a few weeks for pidgin languages to develop between cultures.

Solid list.

I'm still holding out hope that Elsie is alive based on the fact that we've yet to see her body.

You're talking about the Godfather game right? I remember playing that and feeling weird about it too.

It's a bit more similar than what the author described. The building routinely jumps through parallel dimensions, and since our cast of characters happen to be in the building when it first jumps, they have to ensure that they're always in the building the next time it jumps if they have any hope of getting back to

Well this is unexpected. I actually kind of liked the pilot when I watched it a few months ago.

I still like MSNBC…well certain hours. Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O'Donnell are all pretty reliable. And Joy Reid when they bother to let her on.

I'm still not really following what was mishandled?

I can already see the newswire revealing Matt Damon got paid more than half of the cast for his cameo.

So if Lucy's dad is part of Rittenhouse, and the stated goal of Flynn and future Lucy is to wipe Rittenhouse from history, does that mean the endgame will result in Lucy never being born?

Reminds me of a partial plot line in the Continuum show. Time Traveler goes WAY back in time to found a secret society of time cops dedicated to preserving history from the meddling of other time travelers.

I don't think it's so much that they can't go back to that time where they exist, just that if they do, and then end up interacting with themselves, all sorts of bad timey-wimey shit will happen.

I…honestly hadn't noticed.

I like this. Make it happen Arrow gods!

My current theory is that Kristen Bell's Eleanor really is Chidi's soulmate, which is why she got into the good place. The system didn't know how to handle this, so it sent other Eleanor to the bad place.

I don't know, futuristic space samurai and Navy SEAL seem like entirely different characters to me.

Sorry, I thought I was clear in that I wasn't necessarily complaining (because I kept reading) but more puzzled at the content of said article.