
This headline and accompanying warning seem a bit misleading.

I feel like the whole conceit of the neighborhoods kind of solves this. If the architects design them to group like-minded people who all get along, it makes sense that they'd all come from the same time and be of similar age. Our neighborhood seems to be a mix of people who died in their late 20s to early 40s in 2016.

I live in TX and I only just started seeing Trump ads this past week. Voter registration is through the roof. He'll likely still win the state, but Trump is the best thing that ever happened to mobilizing the Mexican-American vote here. I think there's a very real possibility of a Clinton upset.

I was watching MSNBC today and they interviewed some guy at a rally who straight up said if Clinton wins he would "have to become a patriot and do something about it." When the interviewer pointed out to him that it sounds like he's advocating for the assassination of a president he said something along the lines of

Donald Trump doesn't strike me as someone all that interested in saving the environment.

I really love the idea of Michael being an angel that has a particular fascination with human culture. A lot of other media that involves angel mythology will either depict them as emotionless servants of God that don't particularly care for humanity one way or the other or actively jealous and confrontational with

Psycho Pass is the rare anime that I think would work REALLY well as a live-action series.

I'm usually not so nitpicky about production details, but it REALLY bothered me that it was seemingly late at night in Miami and mid afternoon in Los Angeles. And the show clearly indicated that we witnessed 6 hours pass.

That's a really good observation. The Netflix shows do make a lot more sense pre-Ultron, but I'm pretty sure someone in Luke Cage had a throwaway line about cities falling from the sky. Can't remember who it was though.

Didn't know this premiered last night. Sounds good, I'll check it out.

This nonsense show is still on the air?

So Hugh Hewitt is a LOTR nerd? I kinda respect him a little bit more now.

It was short lived, but for some reason I always remember her from The Unusuals.

Of course he's not a rapist. He's the Zodiac killer.

I'm actually a bit surprised at the mild praise. My only thought from beginning to end was that this was the best episode of SNL in years. The only sketch I didn't really laugh at was the Footloose one.

Hell, I didn't even realize that was the theme until I read this

Dr Cox and Korra fighting demons? Sign me up

Plot twist: She is made of glass, because she is an alien from the planet of glass.

I'm not sure about the garbage guys. They could be a couple, but I'm not entirely sold that soul-mates have to be romantic. I got the impression they're soul bro-mates.

Yeah, this was a lot better than I was expecting.