
I liked it? Kinda?

You're aware that Grimm is on its 6th season yes?

I'm okay with this considering Hayley Atwell is the only reason I was going to watch this anyways

I'm looking forward to Sutherland's president learning the art of torture and saying "damnit"

"I'm so happy to be on a show that puts women at the center." Does someone need to remind Tatiana that she plays all the women in the show?

*cough* Damon Lindelof *cough*

Wait…there's a difference between MLP and hardcore porn?

Well this seems somewhat unethical.

I don't think the AV Club commentariat is sophisticated enough for a cocktail club. Points for trying though.

I hate McDonald's with a passion, haven't been in years. But Joshua is correct, the McGriddle is Frankenfood perfection. I still crave one every time I drive by a McDonalds.

Huh, I had no idea this existed. Sounds pretty good. Will watch.

You know, I'll grant that The Expanse has some problems in the writing department. The best SF is allegorical, and even by the end of the season, the thematic substance of the show doesn't get much deeper than "Oh no. Look at the poor and oppressed space working class. Woe is them." This is well trod territory.

That depends. I'd also say Dark Matter is good and worth watching, but The Expanse is legitimately great sci-fi - IMO the best SF series since BSG. If you watch Expanse first, you might be disappointed by Dark Matter.

Dark Matter is fun, so this news pleases me.

Can they just give Laurie Hernandez the trophy now so we can avoid this whole season?

Well now I really want a Jason Statham movie where he plays a down on his luck mechanic that works as a valet and he discovers a tied up woman in the backseat of the car he's trying to park.

My favorite part of the Statham series is that 95% of them are 1 or 2 word titles.

Agreed. If I'm talking to somebody who doesn't play a lot of video games because they think they're too childish, I bring up The Last of Us and Spec Ops: The Line.

There was humor in Age of Ultron?

Well this is the most thoughtful and least snarky review of the game I've seen yet. Kudos Patrick.