
That's a pretty good pedigree. Cautiously optimistic.

In what season do the lost boys become private detectives?

Hmmm, I don't care for traditional westerns for the most part, but I did enjoy the "True Grit" remake. I also really like "Hidalgo", though that probably leans more heavily on classic adventure than classic western.

Oh thank god I'm not the only one. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I really wish they had never confirmed anything after the show ended. That final scene could have been read beautifully as simply two former romantic rivals realizing how close of a friendship they had forged over the years.

He's been dead for a few seasons now, but he tends to pop up at least once per season by either 1) flashback episode 2) being a ghost 3) visiting heaven

2 Curious 2 George

As if Andy Serkis needs a reason to be on all fours.


I mean, I trust you guys enough that I'll probably give a watch at some point. But it wasn't so much the technical quality or acting performances of the show I was questioning, more its very existence.

I'll be the first to admit I haven't actually watched The People vs. OJ…but was it really that good? Like, did we really need a fictionalized account of the whole debacle? I have zero interest in watching this program. Meh.

She looks like Katie Findlay to me (the dead girl in The Killing)

? Poor people can't like Hilary Clinton?

I've only played Overwatch and Pokemon Go. I don't know how I should feel about this.

I like her.

We had a traffic light in my elementary school cafeteria. Green meant it was fine to talk. Yellow meant we were getting kind of loud so tone it down. And red meant Y'ALL KIDS BETTER SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Thir13en Ghosts*

I'm supposed to believe Miles Teller as a boxer?

I actually think the show has gotten slightly more progressive and angry thanks to the phenomenal (and young) correspondents roster they've built up.

Yes! Thank you for saying this. I just finished watching the film with my roommate, and while I loved it for the all the reasons you just said, he spent the whole car ride home complaining about the logic holes and lack of fully realized characters.