
The text of this review sounds more like a solid B or B- than a C+. I know, I know, splitting hairs. Either way I'm excited as hell for this movie. It's such a big part of my childhood (and family tradition to watch the movie every 4th of July).

I remember an interview awhile back about how Fuller's dream casting is Captain Angela Bassett and First Officer Rosario Dawson. But that's…pretty unlikely to happen.

Well Dr. McNinja has President Brontosaurus. Close enough?

Snatcher is basically Blade Runner: The Video Game. By which I mean you should definitely play it.

I feel bad for him too. Pretty sure I read somewhere that out of all the movies he's done, Pacific Rim was the most pure fun he's had working on a film.

Yeah, I got the impression that they're duplicates since Cassidy cut up the bodies and buried them. So not the same guys and not a flashback.

I wasn't necessarily talking artistically, since different artists are going to have different interpretations, not to mention her Kree genes slow her aging. More her career and life. But here's some images anyways. She just doesn't strike me as mid-20s

Still too young. Carol Danvers retires from the air-force as a Colonel, takes a job at NASA, and then becomes Ms. Marvel. She's one of the few female superheroes that's actually depicted as being middle aged.

Kent explaining the plot of the Matrix might be the hardest I've ever laughed at this show.

I have fond memories of playing movie charades in my high school statistics class and for whatever reason I decided to act out 8 heads. Nobody got it. In fact nobody believed it was an actual movie.

Holy shit I never realized Sidney was the Sonic guy until just now. That's nuts.

I hope Lt. Gaeta doesn't bite the bullet soon. As the only adult with our intrepid group of youngsters, I worry for him.

As a casual fan of comics and graphic novels, I'd say that yes, I have a passing familiarity with most of the material that gets brought up here.

I was laughing hysterically at Cat's CW joke.

There actually is a new Gatchaman anime series that started a few years ago. There's been two seasons, no word yet if it'll get a third.

"Look at me, I'm fully engorged!"

Seriously. Where did those even come from?

What do we all think of Revelations? (I've only played the first one)

This is a really good explanation of what's happening. I thought the memory loss was just a side effect of having an A.I. take up residence in your brain, but it makes way more sense that Alie is erasing painful memories.

I was getting pretty teary eyed as Hank talked about the extermination of his people and family.