
I was getting major Akira vibes towards the end.

I like it, but it's pretty standard Canadian sci-fi. It's made by some of the guys who worked on Stargate, and that eventually starts to come across more as you get to know the characters.

I love Bryan Fuller, but what in the hell version of Walking Dead is he watching that has organic diverse casting?

upvote for good use of effervescence

Definitely Three Archers. That episode is a work of beautiful art.

Ah yes, the 'ol "I'll make tons of money by honoring the work and legacy of my deceased father scheme." Truly nefarious.

I don't even watch this show, but this is honestly kind of impressive. Like, the most realistic hacker/computer science dialogue that has probably ever been on network television

I always preferred The Illusionist to The Prestige as well, so you're not alone.

wait…Rob Thomas is running iZombie? I did not know this. My interest in this show just skyrocketed.

Neat! I'm gonna have to share this with my Urban Anthropology class. This would make for a very interesting virtual ethnography.

Hayao Miyazaki and Shinichiro Watanabe on the anime fronts.
I will read anything by Alastair Reynolds.
I will watch anything with Guillermo del Toro or Bryan Fuller attached to it.
And on the video game front, Shigeru Miyamoto, Suda 51, and Shinji Mikami.

This is a great list. You have good taste, sir.

Damn. I was actually looking forward to this show the most out of all the new fall offerings. PHIL AND LEM! I MISS YOU!

This was a pleasant surprise for me. I didn't know the show was set in Dallas. As a fellow Texican I gotta say this was a fairly accurate depiction of middle class mexican american families. It's rare that I can relate to a sitcom family.

Moffat has my full faith again. I agree 100% with this review (and what a brilliantly well written review it is). This is definitely a new favorite. Just, ugh, so good.

Whoa, are you…me? Because that's a pretty spot on list. I'd probably switch XIII and VII though. The only redeeming qualities of XIII are Lightning, Sazh, and Fang. I still respect VII for being the groundbreaking game milestone that it is. And in terms of pure gameplay XII wins by a landslide.

Yeah, that's how I interpreted it too. The explanation was pretty clunky, but considering they appeared with the sound of thunder, they were definitely harbingers of doom or something. I really like when this show goes more supernatural with their wesen instead of just "here's another guy with a scary animal face."

God I'm so thrilled for the second season. Mushishi is my favorite anime of all-time.

The premise is the only reason I'm still watching. I keep waiting for it to turn into Law and Order: Wizard Unit, because I would watch the shit out of that. But for now it is just kinda meh.

It also seemed like they were hinting that Jaye was her "real" mother. There's the part where she calls her Jules, a nickname her mother apparently used, and Hatake seemingly recognizing the name (and Jaye's hostile reaction to him).