
In addition to being a great source of valuable information, I'm charming, handsome, and give amazing foot rubs

did you get all of your lines from a 2001 time capsule

no i looked at it again and didn't see my username or the word "trolling" anywhere on the site

Hardly Desirable

again, not my site (and i say that sincerely, because if i could lay credit to it i would do so, crowing from the rooftops), but thanks for the rest!

"Well, sir, if you'll bring the machine into your local Genius Bar, we cou—"

that's for xkcd bro i think you're confused

"it's clearly intended to infuriate rather than provide knowledge and was clearly developed out of hatred for a site that many find often amusing and occassionaly hysterical."

The carefully-crafted algorithm than analyzes the art and writing so far hasn't ever produced an answer other than "YES." Keep checking back, though: there's no telling what the next day might bring.

Domain registered 09/07/11. Someone spent actual dollars because they were butthurt over a gizmodo comment. This is the happiest day of my posting career.

I'll repeat myself by saying that it's not funny because it's (obviously) a reference tool. Hope that clears up your misunderstanding.

Holy shit I was not expecting that to be a legit url

Twenty years or so, probably.

No, not at all. Trolling requires the intent to infuriate. I just want to say to folks, "Hey. Here's a website you can check to see whether xkcd is worth reading right now." There's no maliciousness. There's no hatred. It's just spreading the word. Knowledge is power.

Let me refer you to my reply to Cromwell where you'll find a reminder that an opinion that goes against the grain is not necessarily trolling. Hope this helps!

A dissenting opinion is not by definition trolling. Please stop posting this same reply every time I link this helpful reference.

Not my website. Just a useful tool that more people should know about.

Nope, never mind. That's no space station. It's a moon.

does it have blu-ray