
It's brain food. *shits*

It's possible to dislike something because it sucks and not out of envy, but whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess

The site is not a joke. It has always said yes every time I have looked at it. You think incorrectly.

They're not good enough to take a chance on getting caught going after big fish. This is the most significant thing they're ever going to accomplish.

"According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide. Despite the arguments to the contrary,

The great thing about standards is that there are so many of them.

People buying them would be a sign. Until then this seems destined to be a bit of a stillbirth, market-wise. :[


Medicore's not my favorite genre. It's so...average.

Yeah, great. A bunch of fat shitbeards running around with Nerf guns playing End of the World wasn't obnoxious enough. Now they'll have these too. Fantastic. :(

Screw you, fatty



HMW has it right. If you're using it as a media consumption device, you need a lot of space. If you're not using it as a media consumption device, congratulations, you're one of the millions of suckers who bought a tablet with no clear idea why.

A stock horse won't hit those speeds, but a suped-up one sporting aftermarket mods can be extremely dangerous if you're inattentive.

If you want to attack them, go after their methodology, ideology, whatever. There are myriad better avenues of critique than this particular one is all I'm trying to convey.

Stupider is a word according to most contemporary dictionaries. So is stupidest.

That's a nice principle, and if they wanted to say, "Hello, we have a great honking pile of loot and barring corrective action on your part we will release it," but that isn't what's happening here. There's no opportunity being given to make this right. This is the commission of a crime that, rather than being a

I read some thoughts prior to this that mused that maybe, just maybe, "the people" would benefit from the actions of LulzSec. Seemed far-fetched but I was willing to entertain the notion.