
I have never once had cause to use voice and data simultaneously, and can't come up with circumstances in which I would need to. I'm always baffled when people bring this up.

Rooting a toaster is completely worth it. You can increase the speed at which the bread gets browned. Make sure you know what you're doing, though, or something might get burned.

That secret plot is going to result in a lot more brainless shells crashing into things. Walls, bystanders, each other...

I might remain unaffected but damned if I'm not gonna pitch a fit on some message boards

Tell the burn ward to ready the skin grafts. There's a patient inbound.

Different product, but I've had the geolocation on a weather widget on my telephone tell me that it was raining in Guangzhou while I was standing at the Chinatown metro stop in D.C. Which was, you know, interesting, but not helpful!

@noamjamski: If it were the Metro the escalators would all be broken down.

Joke's on you, NBC, I already tweeted the hotlinked keyword to my users two-point-oh, who are emailing it around the social networks faster than you can IM.

@bpost34: I did not notice that! I was focused merely on the aesthetics. Shame on me.

You've got some busted html in the Steelers app link, Jesus. #corrections

@Nathan Perkins: Looks like someone's confused about the amount of caring he's doing!

@snitch: It's a bit disheartening that full-time software engineers are being consistently outperformed by some guys on a message board.

This is the same deal as Radiohead or NIN going with a pay-what-you-want pricing model. It's easy to advocate when you're already incredibly successful. This essentially relegates newer artists to dabblers unless they're willing to throw caution to the wind and go all-in on investing in their own music or film

For a period of about two weeks in late 2006, in my second-to-last semester of college, I kept getting calls from a woman asking for her daughter in Spanish. It was weird. I tried explaining that I wasn't her daughter, which I thought would have been obvious since I'm a dude. Next I started yelling Randy Savage

@Dancing Milkcarton: I stream stuff from my PC using Subsonic, which works on both iOS and Android. Works like a charm.

@comrade_leviathan: Yes, that's what I did for my current PSP since I had to do so. I don't like buying additional accessories, though. The all-screen form factor of most current smartphones is in my opinion the worst thing that's happened to the mobile world in ages. It looks nice but it isn't practical for things

@geolemon: This seems needlessly contemptuous. I commute on a train for about two hours a day and as such usually have a handheld game system in my bag. Good point on tethering, though.

Really wish there was some form of protection for the screen. The clamshell design Nintendo's gone with from the GBASP onward is the best part of their hardware.

When I started bringing a laptop to class in college, I cut my focus in half. Easy. IMing, surfing, whatever. I stopped paying as much attention in class, and I don't know that the added efficiency of typing and having the .ppt presentation on my own little screen was worth the distractions of a multimedia machine.