You do the old 180 and you spin yourself around, you just killed a crowd
You do the old 180 and you spin yourself around, you just killed a crowd
It makes me think of old 5.0 Fox-bodied Mustangs. I’ve heard that Snow used to drive around Brampton in his 5.0 blasting this song.
Sorry Bacon, we try to keep our workplace strictly Kosher/Halal.
The video wasn’t bad, but the audio... Mute the video and put on some Kavinsky
Good point. My bad. I’m not going to edit that so everyone can make fun of it. I might learn something from it.
Dude, if you’re leaving your lane twice on a prepped track, either you have your car dialed in wrong or you need to take some driving classes.
Finally, the external facing claymores we’ve been asking for.
I’m agreeing.
They could’ve just towed it outside the environment.
Can you recall the drivers for not knowing how to operate the cars they bought?
Ahem I mean 180 roll...
so, it *is* enabled for the Kolvoord Starburst maneuver?
I prefer to caulk my car damn it just take the ferry next time.
That graph is really awkward to use. I can only hope interactive graph building becomes automated.
This is nothing to get into a hissy Fit over....
Your post is fit to be a prelude to more bad Honda puns. Maybe I’ll inspire some more. Or maybe everyone else will be too jaded to continue. Either way my post is pretty integral. That’s all I have.
GREEN STRIPE FO LIFE, SUCKA!! Blue stripes are for geezers!