Why didn’t they just flip it and then feast on the soft underbelly?
Why didn’t they just flip it and then feast on the soft underbelly?
Sub-par weaking.
I feel you... Student loans are a racket. They sucker you in when you’re 18 and have no idea how to adult, or what that giant sum of money really means. I make enough right now to afford my (reduced) student loan payments OR health insurance, but not really both. Ugh.
Technology has already come to the rescue in the form of the leaf blower. A leaf blower lets you blow the stuff you don’t want in your yard into someone else’s. Technology is a wonderful thing.
Once Mysterio80 the Grey, now Mysterio80 the White
Our Ecoboost pricing had a bad wheel bearing. I took a torch to it, pressed it out, and replaced it with $25,300. All fixed.
I’d love to argue that point but I don’t argue with “bacon.”
“The main reason you’d want discs is for heat dissipation in towing. Tacomas don’t do much towing, but they do sand and off-road driving. Having drums
prevents your rear brakes from getting screwed up by sand and rocksis cheaper,” in a paraphrased version of what their spokesman said.
All the officer has to do at that point is adjourn the hearing to a date where the court forgets to show up.
lol, “Used harbor freight tool” is something I have never heard or even considered the existence of.
“Roger, you are cleared for CFIT, have a nice day!”
Is it weird that I read this in an Archer voice? Because I'm pretty sure Archer has said that exact line before.
I always pictured Matt Hardigree finishing it on his phone while running up subway steps, spilling coffee everywhere on the way to the Gawker offices.
I was listening to a country station this weekend when I realized that about 60% of modern country music lyrics are just re-purposed rap colloquialisms from a decade ago, played over twangy guitars and mixed with messages about Jesus and sweet tea. These white people saying "Dope" is pretty much the same thing. Yeah,…
This guy has balls of carbon fiber.
All of them.
The A-ROCKylipse!
Two balls. [looking up from game]