
Buzz kill here:  It’s between, not starting on x and ending on y.  So it’s valid.  

Wow.  I don’t think the speed was necessarily the scary part.  Going double the speed limit with a steep cliff on one side would be a no from me.  

I shit you not, this literally happened to me, but it was pin striping. “Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t know how that got added to your purchase...”  Fucking scam artists.  

“Oh I’m sorry sir, I don’t know how that $600 charge was added to your bill, must have been a computer mistake.”  Yeah, right. 

Who actually pays attention to the pay load rating?  As long as the suspension isn’t fully collapsed, send it. 

Look, you want to judge me based on one topic (which I don’t really appreciate), let’s talk about some of my other beliefs.

I never ever said not to hold me or anyone else accountable for my or their actions. That’s a no brainer. I said I don’t want to be held accountable others actions.

And there it is... the reason our country sucks. No empathy for others opinions, Left/Right, doesn’t matter.  Way to judge someone based on one opinion, ignoring the fact that said person never said your opinion is wrong.  

By someone like me?  Dude, you have no idea who I am or what I do.  

You really think the average driver has any chance at making a difference if they stayed in the drivers seat?  Ever watch dash cam videos?  Too many either can’t keep the car straight with a slight slide or they completely let go of the wheel.  The ones with enough training/skill to make a difference are already

I see autonomous cars as the best answer from where we are today.  Mass transit would be better, but that ship has sailed. 

Interestingly, a big part of that is because drunks tend to not brace and act more like a crash test dummy. That way, all the safety tech works the way it’s supposed to.

Agreed, it’s a complex matter that has no right answer. I tend to lean toward individualism because I want everyone to leave me the fuck alone and I want others to have that too, if they want it. Ideally, maybe we could have smaller sections of society where government is setup differently. One section where it’s

I think you’re right and wrong at the same time. For the good of us all, yes, they should be forced to vaccinate, but at the same time, we all should have bodily autonomy. I don’t know how to rectify the situation other than to lean toward individualism and accept what comes my way. 

Yes, edgy, that’s me. I know you need everyone to fit into a nice neat box, but some of us do have multiple opinions on a given topic that contradict each other.

Hot take, bro. 

I specifically mentioned seat belts because they tend to not affect others directly. Like I said, it’s a complicated discussion. The real answer is autonomous cars, in my opinion.

DUI’s are definitely part of that complicated part I referred to, for the very reason you mentioned.  I don’t like to feel like I’m being punished and have to pay for additional tech in my car because of someone else’s bad decisions.  At the same time, I want the good decision makers to be safer.  

It is an attack for those of us that believe the government should have fewer regulations. The societal benefits are not lost on me, but I still feel personal accountability is preferable to being forced to do something. You can’t save everyone from themselves. It’s a damn complicated conversation and anyone that says

2014 Fiesta with 226,000 miles: