
M1 Concourse is a racetrack. 

With a little planning, I feel like the Woodward Dream Cruise could easily top this. Just need somewhere to do it... *Cough* M1 Concourse *Cough*

Whats wrong with the actual GPS location?  Long press google maps, it drops a pin, and you can share it.  Super easy.  This 3 word thing sounds redundant. 

Driving skill aside, it will take away a LOT from spectating. Watching the cars fly by is only part of it, HEARING them, and even FEELING them go by with anti-lag popping, is a big part of it. At least for me.

Probably will only affect purists or old guys like me (40 is old, right?)  

Have them read the code anyway. Just because the light is not on anymore does not mean the code is gone, it just means it’s not active anymore. 

It depends on the stiffness of the pedal.  It is a lot easier to do it this way with a super stiff pedal, like in my Miata.  My subaru, on the other hand, is possible, but it’s a lot harder since the brakes are boosted. 

I do it this way. I’m glad to see this video, I’ve never seen any other professional driver do it this way. My justification is that I can more easily separate the muscles for the brake and throttle. My thigh muscles control the brake pressure through my heel, and my calf controls the throttle through the ball of my

I lived a bicycle ride away from 9 and woodward and remember it was pretty cool the first couple of years, but the lousy merch was alive and well even back then. I won a free t-shirt some guys were selling for doing a burnout in my crappy escort.  

He really got a good tuck in there, great entry into the water, hardly any splash at all!

It’s 2019, it’s not a 3 piece and a cigar anymore, it’s skinny jeans, a man bun, and juule in your mouth. 

I’d take that challenge in a heartbeat. 

Now playing

My criticism is only half hearted, but since you asked:

You are correct. I can’t bring myself to spend the money required to make a 10s or better run, I would rather spend it on a rally car.

Yea, my jest’s about straight line stuff are only half-hearted. While my fanboyness is variable, I’m a fan of any motorsports, with low traction (dirt/ice/snow) being my favorite to participate in / watch. 

Some of those guys and gals are pretty good, but a lot of them could really benefit from sliding a car around on

Straight lines are for fast cars. Turns are for fast drivers.

This still looks like a hell of a ride though. 

You were saying that it’s mind boggling how much space is dedicated to storing cars at the airport. My point is that the space required to store cars is small compared to the space required for the airport overall.

It’s really not that mind boggling. The relative size of a parking lot vs the whole airport means only a very small portion of the land is for cars. This is a picture of my local large airport. Most of it is runways and terminal buildings. The auto parking lots only take up a small portion of the land.


Hold the start/stop button down and the car will shut off, even in gear. 

Nicely done.  I’ll drink a beer in your honor tonight. 

Curious how the minority are affected by EMP’s.