No one should like to see things like this happen, but liquid fuel is the future. Electric might be a temporary bandaid, but liquid fuel (fossil fuels or biofuels) are just too easy to handle.
No one should like to see things like this happen, but liquid fuel is the future. Electric might be a temporary bandaid, but liquid fuel (fossil fuels or biofuels) are just too easy to handle.
I see what you did there... ;) I agree with you though, it will be interesting to see how Tesla competes in such a large market.
The same reason safety features, like the seatbelt, were pushed so hard about half a century ago when no one wanted them. Also, since auto accidents are over 90% driver error, removing the driver is the next likely safety feature.
That was the only argument I could think of that would lead to this. Still seems like mounting it inboard of the frame under the bus would be better. Maybe there’s no room? Ah well, hubris be damned, I could have done better. lol
I just can’t fathom the design decision to put a fuel tank in such an exposed place. Was there REALLY no where else to put it?
Why would that back and forth change if it were medicare for all? Hell, a lot of that back and forth STARTS with what medicare says things should cost.
I just can’t see it making that much difference to my bottom line if it suddenly becomes a single payer system. Either I’m paying insurance premiums, or I’m paying…
It’s cheaper elsewhere because hospitals don’t charge as much. There isn’t a lot of competition when it comes to medical issues here in the US. Most people can’t shop around because they have to go where they are told.
I just can’t see it being all that much different if the government were involved. It’s not like…
I prefer Boston Cream filled doughnuts. :)
I agree that EV’s are at a point where the majority of drivers can use them no problem. Even I could use one now that ranges are over 200 miles, given my 140mile round trip commute.
I just think the average American consumer will take much longer to adopt the idea of an…
Why would it be all that much different than it is now? Large insurance companies like blue cross should have large bargaining power like a single payer system, right?
Your assumption that it will be lower cost is wrong. No matter where the money comes from, medical costs are medical costs. In fact, it will likely be MORE expensive as the system will be designed to cover people who are not currently insured. I wouldn’t mind seeing everyone covered, but I am certainly not going to…
I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts VW changes their plan after a while. It’s impossible for a company to survive and build products when there are not enough customers.
yea, that part is pretty lousy.
Fine by me. I don’t think tax breaks are a good way to fight global warming in the long run. EPA regulations are a better way.
Drivers meeting: “Ok, we need more viewership, who’s “fighting” today?
No, you’re not the only one that feels this way, it’s a pretty popular opinion for those of us that see the big picture. Trust me, after spending 10 years of my life and over $100,000 on a Bachelor and Masters Degree, it is a little frustrating to see someone with a high school diploma make more than me. (Although,…
There is no such thing as job security at the end of the day. Sure the UAW enables workers to keep their job even after doing things that would get most fired, but as you can see in Lordstown, it doesn’t fix all. Even having an education isn’t a guarantee. A large company like Ford or GM will be laying off a lot of…
Automated fast food is not here yet because wages are still low. If we hit a federal minimum wage of $15 per hour, I would eat my hat if we didn’t start seeing automated fast food on the regular.
It depends on who you are: Are you the type to get a new car every few years, or hold on to one for a long time? A 72 month loan is 6 years, and assuming 15,000 miles per year, that’s 90,000 miles, which isn’t much on a modern car. You could easily get to 150,000 when a lot of more expensive maintenance will be…