Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.
Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.
Misogynoir is a hell of a drug.
Fuck Milo.
These are all these Breitbart assholes that are pissed because Milo was banned.
I am a nomad,
I mean I get that for most people it is normal and healthy and fine. I’m talking about abusers where it is clear that the porn is part of their cycle/pattern of abuse. I don’t know if I’m being clear or if I can without laying out and describing some pretty disturbing shit. Like, I guess I just mean that a lot of…
You missed the part where viewing porn, not mental illness or zealotry, gave the rapist/captor ideas for new ways to assault ES.
Not upset by your comments, I’m upset that there are millions of “feminists” in this world who claim they can’t see patriarchy in commercially-available images of men brutalizing women
Sorry but you do not get to decide who and what victimized Elizabeth Smart. Elizabeth Smart gets to decide that because it was her experience, not yours.
The analogy would be in the effect on the rapist. Porn affecting attitudes and expectations towards and of sex and women is not considerably outside the norm of how most people use/experience it.
You’re not a hypocrite. “50 points for Hufflepuff” (or “50 points for Emily Dickinson House”) is still much more civilized.
I think these sororities are a good way to show us non-americans how segregated the states really is :(
There’s no really good answer to that. I tend to fall back on “I have absolutely no firsthand knowledge, he was a teenager, and the courts (flawed as they are) ultimately acquitted both of the men.” But if to you it’s enough of a black mark that you can’t see the movie, I respect that point of view.
I’m sure the answer to that varies by location, but at my mid-sized public university with a liberal reputation, a famed women’s studies department, a solid sexual assault prevention program and an array of resources... Yeah, kinda.
Whatever he thought of his own actions with a drunk woman he had had a prior relationship with, I doubt it was such a gray area to wave another man to join in when the woman was not conscious to consent (assuming that part of the story is true).
Exactly. I’m also that age, and it was widely accepted that if you got drunk and went to a guy’s room, that *was* consent. (Though even then, I think a lot of us would have said bringing his friends in crossed the line to rape.)
It’s hard to know how to feel about this one. I was in college at the same time as Parker and though this is in no way an excuse, how people thought about consent was not as evolved at that time. Anecdotally, about half of my female friends (myself included) had sexual experiences where we were too intoxicated to give…
She will issue an apology within a day. And I will not accept it.