
I grew up with some pretty solid antidotal evidence. I called them Grandma and Aunt Dorothy (lactose intolerant) and Aunt Betty and Aunt Ann (fans of the dairy).

Be like “Sorry to interrupt you there, but I got explosive diarrhea. I’ll catch up with you later.”

So you seem like the kind of person who would rag on a person for being fat, but also here you are ragging on them for trying to find a way to lose weight. You can’t be both. And you sound like a complete asshole, btw.

Ah, 2015, where douchebags judge no matter how hard a person is trying to make positive changes.

Weight Watchers hasn’t used a slide in more than 6 years. This person is a jerk with out-of-date information. (I work there.)

“Whoever scheduled that upgrade for Thanksgiving is making hardcore rookie mistakes and can go f*ck themselves”

I just wanted to tell you, I like your comments on this post. Choosing to make a lifestyle change can’t be easy, and the details you’ve given about how the app works make it clear that the app only works when you commit to it, and I can imagine how frustrated I would be as a paying customer when the product went

The whole point of the app is so people ARE accountable for the food they eat and can keep track of it. It’s an important tool that members pay a lot for. There’s no reason for you to be ugly about it. People trying to lose weight are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

Except that they ditched the slider and the books in the newest incarnation and have been hawking the online tools as the only way to do the program. It is virtually impossible to look up food items without their app since values also seem to be different from older versions. It's not what you remember or have

Maybe you should be a little more understanding. Weight watchers allows you to eat the foods you like but in moderation. If you budgeted the points for pumpkin pie, then there’s nothing wrong with it. But without the app working, it would be much more difficult to keep track of it which is why people were upset. You

WW totally let's you eat the pie, but makes you accountable for serving size. If you plan for it, you can have anything you want.

The comments on this thread are really making me upset. I feel like people are shaming people for being upset about losing functionality of an expensive product at a time when they need it most. People on this program are working hard to lose weight and it’s hard enough to do especially at Thanksgiving. I don’t think

You obviously haven’t done the system in years. Numbers are most definitely higher than 5. And when I signed up 9 months ago they didn’t even give me a slide chart anymore.

If a morsel is eaten and there’s no app to track it on, do the calories really count?

It looks like he’s farting and hopes no one notices.

Pretty sure this Pissing Contest answers the article last week, that asked if you should tell your child they are beautiful.

Or maybe he felt that it was insulting to share an award with a vapid reality tv star who has literally never done anything for anyone else.