Bass Ackwards

Doesn’t bother me at all.  The effort to get the AI To give you an answer to a forbidden topic is way more than just googling it.   

And a Vice writer, which was founded by a notorious Proud Boy!  So she’s a proud boy by association I guess.

So she got this thing in 1999, which was 20 years after the organization admitted its first black members.

Tatiana Tenreyro, you should be ashamed of joining the mob with your pitchfork of judgement and stupidity. Way to go, you’ve attempted to ruin someone’s entire life just so you could have an article to write. You and all of the other “journalists” (AKA poor writers with low IQs) should find something productive to do

“Kemper was 19 years old when she was selected to be the Queen Of Love And Beauty. At that age, teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”

Tatiana, I see you are becoming the pageant Queen of hot take shitty blog posts.  

I think this is it. I’ve been reading for well over a decade. But I can’t do this anymore. “Ellie Kemper has a racist past” is not just an overstatement, it’s completely unsupported by anything we know. I can’t believe I’m going to trot out the whole ‘ethics in journalism’ shtick, but jesus tapdancing christ this

Just an absolute goddamned embarrassment of an article. Fucking pathetic. I know some of you reeeeeeally want a fresh race war today, but Ellie needs an apology here.

Yeah, but does she also sleep in an oxygen tent, which she believes gives her sexual powers?

For the first time in history, I think people may be overstating something they learned on Twitter. Participating in a ceremony that has distant “roots in white supremacy” is not the same thing as endorsing it. I kind of hope she never comments on this, since a) there’s not a lot of there there, and b) it would make

Headline reads she is a “celebrity with a racist past”.

So this thing had a racist past before 1990, then wasn’t *as* racist, and cleaned up and hid the racist stuff under the rug when she was 10 years old. Then 9 years later at 19 she gets signed up for the thing likely not knowing the past. Then, years later, acknowledges it was bad optics and apologizes for any support

Garbage headline, shit article.

Fixed that title for you.

Kemper was 19 years old when she was selected to be the Queen Of Love And Beauty. At that age, teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.

Whoo boy, this is a fiery, blazing hot take if I’ve ever seen one.

She used to be a Buzzfeed writer, which is arguably even more shameful than this!

People aren’t upset over this, you and the author of the Root article are upset about this because you think you’re making a point and want to get clicks on your lazy journalism.

I’m a year or two younger than her, and I’m AA. I grew up in the St. Louis area. I vaguely remember when the name was changed from “The VP Fair” to “Fair St. Louis”. I attended both iterations of the event every year and looked forward to it, as did loads of people from all over the area and beyond. In the 90's, it

it was basically Reddit’s predecessor”