That is horrifying!!! I read something recently that said Legionnaires is making a comeback of sorts... I’m really glad you and your partner are okay!!
That is horrifying!!! I read something recently that said Legionnaires is making a comeback of sorts... I’m really glad you and your partner are okay!!
Thank you!
That’s what I thought too but I caught a couple of strains of pneumonia when I was 22 and it almost did me in. I saw the doc early enough and started a round of antibiotics that started killing one strain and I was starting to feel better when I was knocked back so hard and suddenly that I couldn’t drive myself to the…
I had a way less severe but similar experience with a recruiter once. I interviewed successfully for a great job but then an internal transfer swooped in at the last minute and stole the gig. Cool, whatever. That should be the end of the story but I received an email in the middle of the night from the recruiter - a…
My boyfriend tells me to punch them in the throat and then have a knee ready for when their head inevitably goes down in that direction after the punch lands. He said they’ll expect a kick to the groin but the throat punch will be an effective surprise.
You’re very sweet and that’s a great idea! It’s certainly a better idea than my current one of cutting my losses and running from the little thing haha
You’re very sweet and that’s a great idea! It’s certainly a better idea than my current one of cutting my losses and…
I must have a lemon then. I’ve maintained it properly it’s just constantly under-performing or breaking on me.
I must have a lemon then. I’ve maintained it properly it’s just constantly under-performing or breaking on me.
Nooo! It’s horrible! Maybe I just got a lemon but I hate this vacuum and the smarmy Dyson man!
Nooo! It’s horrible! Maybe I just got a lemon but I hate this vacuum and the smarmy Dyson man!
DON’T DO IT. I hate this bloody vacuum. It’s perpetually broken, suction is horrible, the wand/hose combo only begrudgingly fits back into the machine once you learn EXACTLY how it wants to be jiggled back in there. It’s the worst vacuum I’ve ever used. It picks up some pet hair but leaves EVERYTHING ELSE. It won’t…
DON’T DO IT. I hate this bloody vacuum. It’s perpetually broken, suction is horrible, the wand/hose combo only…
Yeah... They’re required for like 99% of postings?
The whole program or the situation wherein the power differential exists? I am only a p/t grad student because I have a f/t gig at the institution so finishing the degree could be quite a way off yet.
I am a student but I’m also a near same-aged and similarly compensated colleague at the institution with clout in my particular arena, which actually has a top-down influence on the academic departments. We’re not academic equals but I don’t think he’s any more “powerful” than I am. I would not consider going after…
Happy New Year, everyone! I have a monstrous crush on a professor in my grad department and have at least some reason to believe that he fancies me as well. Do these things ever work out? Anecdotes, anyone?
Yeah, I hope she finds out and kicks him to the curb. I didn’t cheat but I felt a compulsion to and ended the relationship, which was common law but effectively a marriage in our region, as gently and equitably as possible. Now I’m alone and it’s not great; of course it would feel better to have had someone waiting in…
Thank goodness. The anxiety that I get from trying to ‘play by the rules’ (i.e. hard-to-get, pursue-distance dynamic, etc.) is exhausting. I really like him so I don’t want the, “Sure, easy sex.” response but it’s also better than rejection, I suppose! I’m quite good looking so I use that as a crutch. I thiiinnnkkk…
I’m back on the market after 4 years and I am quite anxious that I’ll flirt ‘incorrectly’. I’ll be too forward or I’ll play a game when I shouldn’t. Maybe I’ll misinterpret advances or be entirely oblivious. There’s a man I have my eye on but I’m so preoccupied with how I’ll pursue him incorrectly that I’m sure I’ll…
Well colour me bested, I can’t fault that brilliant logic!
Read the rest of the thread, dude. I don’t pretend that it is.
So we both have shitty anecdotal job market experiences, why are we scrapping over this exactly?
Employers basing any decisions on probability of giving birth is discrimination. Employers basing decisions on ability to lift when it is necessary for the job at hand is not. It is entirely within an employer’s power to “do something” about the former and both the former and latter are entirely within the realm of…