
I’m not so sure women are less likely to go into certain high-paying industries. I selected my undergraduate major - economics - based on data showing the qualification yielded one of the highest entry-level salaries. I applied for over 300 jobs with custom cover letters and resumes, attended networking events like

Economist here - it hasn’t been debunked.

Poor darlings - your friend and her kitty... Is he going to be okay? I absolutely wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something in the food. Something in Blue Buffalo made my female kitty vomit blood but that shit is still on the shelves. I posted about the incident on FB and several different people replied that they’d had

It would unfortunately be very hard for manufacturers to determine causation vs. correlation with chronic kidney disease (CKD) kitties, however, acute kidney failure - similar symptoms to those listed above - is most commonly due to the ingestion of poison. I wouldn’t put it past manufacturers to use CKD as a

Thank you very very much for the time you took to pen that extremely thorough, thoughtful, and sincere response. That is precisely what I needed and I value what you’ve said immensely. I will keep this to myself. :)

This is entirely unrelated to the stories at hand. Please forgive me but I’m in the throes of a ‘thing’ and would appreciate advice.

I know this is like three years late to the party but I’m going through ‘a thing’ where being the brainier half in a hetero relationship has me literally up all night thinking of my grad school professor...s. There are two. I dressed up extra eye-catchingly today for my seminar because one of them is very likely

I’ve tried it and it’s definitely a bit lavender-y but I can totally also taste trees. It’s not great - it’s good.


Is that really what their salaries are like? Is that reflective of NYC costs? I know rent is absurd but are other costs (e.g. food, childcare, etc.) similarly inflated?

What’s your marginal rate? In my province I’m at 33% and I’m in the second lowest bracket.

I’m baffled. If I made $230,000 CAD I’d consider myself RICH AF. Like... I could drive a new car, own a house, and take vacations! THAT’S INSANE TO ME.

I’m Canadian and apparently upper-middle class, though we live paycheque-to-paycheque, and even if these numbers were CAD and not USD they’re ALL more than double our household income.

What’s the context for this absurdity?! What was their data source?! This is INSANE.

Eh, it aint so bad. Thinking now about whether I’d trade autism for a life without ever having had the flu... It’s a tough call for me! 

I will totally check this out!! I’ve been watching Korean Netflix shows and movies recently and found that I adore their sense of humour. I’m 100% game to check out the Brazilian side!

I’d really like to PM you, if that’s alright. As far as I know, you can’t PM on Kinja but if you have Twitter, my handle is @naykrop.

They are, thank goodness. One’s a postdoctoral fellow in a science field and the other is a counselling psychologist. Despite being very intelligent women, even they are often confused by the mixed messages women receive during this time. I can’t imagine how much worse that information overload would be for women with

What is your age range? How is your muscle stamina? Are you sleeping okay or has your quality of sleep changed? How is your appetite? I’m sorry for all of the questions and I certainly don’t mean to frighten you. A family member experienced something with similar symptomatology.

I felt that way too but now two of my dearest friends are pregnant and I am INVESTED in their health and safety. Shit like this is enraging.