
Am I the only one hoping they change the fries back, or at least CHANGE THE FRIES?

One of the best things about Dinty Moore, if the recipe has changed over 5 decades it has not changed very much. Still love me some Dinty Moore.

Somebody PLEASE find the SNL clip, “No Coke, Pepsi...” jobber lowers price... Belushi? smacks the Pepsi out of a customers hand, “No, Pepsi, COKE!”

Agree the picture is unappetizing, but my meal at the Three Broomsticks (Florida) was excellent! So, maybe there is hope.

I always wanted to put a modern day Raiders of the Lost Ark opening scene there at the District of Columbia fish boats, just after Indy drinks water from a fountain of youth sample at his retirement as director of the Smithsonian, the samples were in a lab behind the auditorium where his retirement ceremonies were to

But is it a sandwich?

The last Chicken Bake I had tasted just a very little bit different... and, yes, worse. I used to love ‘em. I’ll try one more before giving up completely.

in-flight magazine...” what’s that?

Isn’t there enough room to put a full flag on both sides? Much cooler, I mean, really, 1/2 a flag?

In college this was referred to as a “power nap.”

I suppose I can safely admit that I hated mayonnaise but LOVED tartar sauce. I was quite young at the time. Learned the truth in college.

The side burner is a real help here, one additional benefit is your smoke detector won’t false alarm while you are frying outside! But, please, keep your grill away from the house itself, and not under a tree, and not near little kids....

We so need John Stewart’s take on this...

My high school students made a few of these, arduino mini, motor, weighted syringe, battery. Programmed to suck in water, sending the weights forward at the same time, sink and go forward, stall... then force water out, which shifted the weight aft and lightened the craft so it would rise. Wait, repeat. Ours had no

I tried to read your article... I really did. But you have a lot (A LOT) of dashes in there... not to mention too many (parentheses). I use three dots because it’s... easier sometimes (certainly easier than dashes or parentheses), easier to find on a keyboard=, aaargh, see what I mean??? I also use lots of question

This seems like a non-story. But I would suggest a great gender reveal would be a birth announcement. So easy!

Why are there empty boxes in the delivery van?

Perhaps there should be a REGOT, or ERGOT recognition...

Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?

Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?

Circles only around the screen center point, not anywhere. Still pretty cool. What I would like to see is the ability to raise the pen.