
this is making me so angry!!!

Same with me. I find that Betterment is perfect for "goal" funds, either short or long-term.

Are we talking friends or Pokemon cards here?

These are people who went above and beyond to bring a level of training and resources to an area completely devoid of either. They put themselves at risk to help others and were dealt a bad hand- where do we get the right to say "Eh, fuck it. Serves 'em right."?

It's only at 47%

It's awesome and beautiful and, if your looking to multitask, it also has the gondolas that take you down to Sun Moon Lake. :) Have fun back in Taiwan.

Whoa whoa whoa.... Are you telling me that when I tell someone to go eat a bag of dicks, I can give them an address where to go do it? I've been given the greatest of gifts today.

I dunno, I think I speak for a lot of jalops when I say this was an interesting car related article. I can't help but get the impression that you're seeing "an agenda" where there is none. There are lots of "look at this person being crazy/awful" articles on jalopnik.

You forget one very important thing: power dynamic. There's a reason you won't hear anyone talking about Jews or Muslims this way. It's called "punching up." Christian privilege exists in the United States. Christianity is extremely powerful. Christians have the upper hand within oppressive frameworks versus

Also, technically he was suspended indefinitely when he plead guilty, and that suspension was lifted later. In the mind of Roger Goodall, women are lower than dogs - I'm guessing because dogs are basically uniformly cute and innocent, whereas those damn wimminz keep getting themselves punched in the face.

Abortion is, per the constitutional interpretation of the Supreme Court in Roe and solidified by Casey, legal prior to viability. So, even if the life form within a woman is in fact human, it is not, in fact, viable. Furthermore, babies and children are, and always have been, subject to the decision making of their

The bosses at NBC would like me to inform you that it's spelled "milquetoast," not "milk toast."