It’s the first day of fall. The leaves are about to turn brown and your lawn will soon be littered with pumpkin…
It’s the first day of fall. The leaves are about to turn brown and your lawn will soon be littered with pumpkin…
Windows/Mac: TunnelBear is one of the best VPN services around, but the faux-retro wood aesthetic always put it in…
If your debt is overwhelming, you might consider transferring your credit card balance to another card. If the card…
This desktop is actually a second screen, ever so customized with a couple of elements that really fit the theme and…
Whether you want to save for your kids’ college tuition, sock away enough for a down payment on a house or simply be…
Devin’s workspace is packed with beautiful, color-changing LED strips, and the effect looks great. He has three…
Dear Lifehacker,
Sierra is out today and some of the new features, like Siri, look pretty great. Of course, it seems…
Arguably, Android Nougat’s biggest new feature is the ability to run multiple apps at once. However, developers—like…
You don’t want to carry a ton of stuff with you everywhere, which is why this bag over on Everyday Carry is a great…
iPhone: iOS 10 brought a ton of great new features and it opened things up to third-party apps. Airmail, one of the…
Every part of the interview process can feel tenuous. Here are a few thoughts I’ve had during interviews which I’m…
It may be convenient to keep your favorite coffee mug in the office break room, but cleaning it there actually does…
Gunnar Optiks and Uvex computer glasses both promise to reduce eye strain, prevent computer-related headaches, and…
If you watched The Martian and wondered if you too could have the chutzpah and know-how to make it on Mars, then…
As simple as they are, carnival games can be some of the most expensive fun you can have. If you want to increase…
Gas-powered lawn mowers, like any machine driven by an internal combustion engine, require maintenance over time to…
Mentors are a valuable source of guidance that help you move your career forward, but one isn’t enough. Don’t limit…
Summer’s nearly over but there’s still time to head down to the pool before the heat gives way to falling leaves and…
Trying out Windows Insider builds is an awesome way to stay on the bleeding edge. If you don’t update those builds…
Reader thdoan submitted this highly customized second screen using Rainmeter to our Flickr desktop show and tell…