the back of your head is ridiculous

This is a wonderfully written and considered piece, Kate, Jez should have more of them.(pay no attention to the numbnuts hollering tl;dr they probably say that to sugar packets. i love how it is xtra ironique and cool not to have an attention span among these types)

Are you unable to read? This is about pre-existing cases of assault and the institutions (lack of) reaction. Thanks for trying to derail with your delightfully coded "rapists are just a bus crash of bad luck" pap bye.

I do so love it when someone accustomed to twenty six words and some cat gifs stumbles upon a subject they'd truly love to truncate and hide pulls out the TONE argument because large paragraphs scare them. Oh man! your one sentence totally covered all the individual nuances at fifty five institutions and beyond, why

In my sister and close friend's alma mater, a three letter school with a monstrously huge endorsement, the allegations (among the strongest of the bunch) is that they infact impeded the victim from contacting the real police and since that campus apparently has real LAPD on it - whoops - they're materially involved in

Get out. — a fucking feminazi your words

I gently demand more details.

Put this comment in black or I will marry it.

Thank you, seriously. My shit night just took a turn for "Maybe life isn't so bad. Look, Eccles. See?"

Everyone in Canada picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

Every time this has come up with (each article more alarming than the last) I think: come on Bill Gates and your magic inventors. You know you got something there that'll leap onto a penis, look good, feel great and can get mass marketed. Damnit I believe in you, man! But HURRY.

Oh my shit the least the local news affiliate could do is find out the performer's real name, instead of talking about Rocky like a real entity, treating their readers the tenderest of youngsters. Preciousness about mascots, logos and Santa ostensibly "for kids" is too many steps down the magical/corporate thinking

This is not a bad article but as many of my friends are media personalities with varying levels of exposure I wonder about the very modern pressure to interact with, let's face it, insane trolls. Individually catering to the groaners, keeping comments open when any passing reddit or 9gag could unleash a tidal wave of

Holy shit I want that on a t-shirt.

Yeeeesh. Little bastard. Let me know where he is now so I can fart on his face.

I'm sorry that gave me a little hysterical giggle. Oh, humans.

So you take to Jez to whine. Not buying what you're selling in the slightest, particularly the pastetdeded-on feminism lite anecdote about your boss. I assume that case was something you were meant to work on? Time and place to complain about that work environment was there.

Are you goddamn kidding me with the "separate genders and then lecture the girls" bit. I think the boys need three times the FUCKING HAMMERING that: do not rape, do not touch, keep safe and clothed ANYONE that's drunk than trying the opposite, thanks.

Dear Hidds: please travel to California, find James Deen, team up to become Most Painfully Adorable Ectomorphs on the planet, and I around and do pranks.

If you hashtag on Kinja it will make your words GIGANTIC. You have five erotic doctor experiences? Listable?