the back of your head is ridiculous

Thanks for making some horseshit application that all divorce proceedings are instigated by/won by the female party.

Eh, it's too boring and pat to even rage over.

Your headline is gross as shit. Elizabeth Smart - and all women - are more than their worst experiences. And she always was.

I'd say this time he should really lean into the fire and die in it properly, but hey. Everyone's a critic.

Cause it's not at all racist as well: the phrase used was "urban whore". And a totally professional response right, to a polite turndown?

I am pretty sure I talked about dead/notdead Mulder every single day that whole summer. To just about everyone: my best friend and people on XPhiles IRC chat (who cared) to my family who...did not.

Thank you, I was on the hunt all "Wait where is the article about whales and dogs and husbands or something that spent WEEKS on the NYT 'Most Viewed' list." Guy clearly plagarized the intent of the article — which cisheterobros haaaated in the comments — without reading the bulk. In that, to "train" anything at all,

Outdated hilarity, table for that whole subreddit. Scratch: all reddit.

Which is fucked cause I love kitchen gadgets so much more than jewelry.

What I want to know is if onion-tears or holy-shit-my-foots-run-over tears have different chemical compositions than the....dead people/pets variety. I am strongly inclined to think they're different, with different effects. In fact that may be why "fake tears" anger more people, because they're not getting the

They might be thinking of this, which could at least explain the helpless curled-pillbug effect ("What do I dooo? How can it stop? Maybe if I throw chocolate.") my occasional bawls elicit in my sweet:

I actually....can't fake cry? To the point where my drama teacher sorta gave up on me. I will say though, everything women do, men do. Asking for singular data points to shore up what sounds like entrapping a whole gender with "Hey this one chick on Jezebel said she thought her cousin might? WOMEN ARE LIARS."

Am I the only one that hated Survivor so aggressively it's what stopped my Palahniuk phase cold?

Shit, I'm hooked up and have no need for your name, but oh my god I wanna see some of the creepy rag dolls.

Sweet thank you! I went to the one on Haight with my sister for my 30th and was like "Why does that logo look so famil...nooooooo"

I am so sad I did not see this piece far earlier because wow. Wow.

Pfft enjoy that shit. Poor girls have to find their own fun. #relentlesslymissingthepoint