
Never, diverse groups of "kids" sing a cappella versions of popular songs all the time in public high schools.

YYZ? It was implied.

2010. Ha, I make you all feel old.

His wife got the house, not the rusted out Chevy.

Which I always sing when some dummy on the Walking Dead is obviously getting stalked by a zombie.

If some pasty white dude with an acoustic ruins When I Come Around it will be like freshman year in the dorms all over again. But with more STIs.

You just ruined one of the tent poles of your economy! Didn't think of that, did ya, Tywin?

Pretty sure he's dead though. Oby and his poisons.

The powerful kill the weak without repercussion.

I really didn't like any of the scenes involving Cameron. I thought that they seemed forced. It was the lines, like they couldn't naturally make her a smart ass and a rebel so they pulled pieces from other pieces of media and turned her into a Frankenstein's monster of rebellious outsider computer girl clichés.

I maintain that Vienna is one of the best songs I've heard.

Dr Who. I think it's just really awful, boring, and hackey.


Isn't that what the name of the big jock asshole that Sally was fawning over? He an obnoxious tool, and since that's what they wanted him to be they nailed it.

So no one is going to mention that Sean was a complete fuckwit and that they hated him every second he was on screen?

I think it's cause the WHM guys are so indistinguishable from one another. I've listened to about ten podcasts so far and I still can't tell the difference between the hosts.

So you don't want it to be the best same day ever?

I read the ballot wrong and voted for Buchanan.

I'm actually a scientist… political scientist…

Because people are dumb?