
That is the best thing I've ever heard! If I had a disposable income, I would do the same in a heartbeat.

I had the same problem as you, so I just lasered everything and never looked back.

I will swear up and down by Seche Vite when it comes to durable quick dry top coats that actually dry all layers of polish quickly. Seriously, it's the best thing ever.

Waah! Where did you find that stuffed Hobbes?? I neeeeeeed!

I like my gym because there are always a bunch of elderly people there and they also walk on the treadmill, which makes me feel less conspicuous in my non-running.

@arubina: If I was Natalie Portman, I'd be smug too.

@Ipomoea: I was once watching a dog show where a dog got really excited from the cheering when walking around the ring and started prancing and showing off. One of the announcers wondered if it would hurt the dog's chances and the other replied that it probably wouldn't because it was true to the breed's personality

@Hey Girl Hey: I squealed every time I saw him walk! He's like a dust bunny dog! So cute, it hurts.

This. When I was looking to buy a few years ago, I fell in love with a two bedroom house, but didn't end up purchasing it because two bedrooms are not as easy to resell (not that anything is right now). I ended up purchasing a three bedroom, which is more than I need, but I rent out the spare bedroom, so it works out

@Donovanesque: I see what you did there and you deserve an A+.

@LuckyFrog: I really really really want that costume for my kitty.

I'm not looking forward to getting pulled aside if the scan shows my VCH piercing. If pads show up, I bet certain genital piercings will too. According to the TSA's site:

@To.the.Lighthouse: Thanks! I borrowed very heavily from the HP Lovecraft Historical Society's paper props when I designed the Orne Staff badge, and from Propnomicon and Propping Up the Mythos for the Cthulhu statue. The specimen tag on the statue is from Propnomicon.

I went as a 1920s librarian at Miskatonic University and carried around a statue of Cthulhu. I took pictures with anyone that got my costume and ended up with 3 pictures at the end of the night.


I'm pretty sure I dreamed about Cthulhu and that I had amazing powers.

@snacktastic: He doesn't mind the collar, except when his tongue gets stuck to the felt as he tries to groom around it, but man does he hate hats. He'll pull it off and start biting and kicking it, like if he kills it, it won't try to sit on his head again.

@backoffhipster: But Miss Jellybean just prefers to roll around on the floor.