
@cupscake: I gargle with a mix of mouthwash and 3% hydrogen peroxide when I have a sore throat and it works like a charm!

@Tamírki: Well, the most recent info is from 2008 and it hasn't been picked up by a studio yet, but Garth Nix has been pretty busy with finishing up The Keys to the Kingdom, and writing the Chlorr novel (fingers crossed that it will be out next year!).

@RenoMartini: One summer I saved all of my babysitting money and bought myself a Felicity. God I remember the day she arrived. It was one of the best days of my life. I used to dream of waking up one Christmas morning to find her complete collection beneath the tree. Alas.

@vulcanized: Same here. I like to blame my lack of hand-eye coordination on the fact that I wasn't allowed to play video games. In middle school I would go over to my friend's house and watch her play Donkey Kong on her Super NES. Good times.

@jfwlucy: We had bottle babies in 8th grade. For a week we carried around a 2 L bottle filled with water and wrapped in a blanket. Our teacher threatened us by saying she put a chemical in the water that would let her know if we dropped the bottle baby (or if the boys were playing Toss The Bottle Baby at lunch), and

@Dorilys: I think she counts though, just for sheer obnoxiousness.

@Donovanesque: Don't forget drowning when you attempt to ford the river!

@DorothyZbornak: I blame Jezebel for my recent and absolute addiction to Fables. I bought all the trade paperbacks that are out thus far (number 13 is next week!), the stand-alone graphic novel, and the Peter & Max novel. Sheesh!

@cate3710: Most of the people I know crochet. I'm one of the only ones that knits. Regardless, I don't think any yarn arts are terribly endangered.

@nothanks: Whenever people ask me what India was like, one of the first things I mention is how freaking nice everyone was to me. I have a collection of business cards/scraps of paper with phone numbers from random drivers/shopkeepers/guides who were horrified that I was traveling alone because I reminded them of

@the glamwich: I'll drink the bourbon, he can read Foucault to me.

@curiousgeorgiana: I know I am! I often have to remind my cats that I don't speak Spanish.

@mattie180: Heh. My ex and I were in a somewhat similar situation. We did the long distance thing for the first year of our relationship and it did wonders for curing me of any jealousy. The similarity ends there.

@babyruthless: I hadn't heard of yours prior to you mentioning it, but I might look into it. Even though I have no problem taking the pill every day, it would be nice to not have the co-pay. One of the reasons why I haven't really looked into a continuous release form, is because I'm convinced that I'll be one of the

@babyruthless: I have other medication that I take every morning, so I just take birth control pills continuously. It works for me, because I know I won't be getting a period at all, unless I feel like it.

Gathering Storm has been one of my favorite gy!be songs for years! This is a sign that me and David Bowie should be bff. For real.

Yet another reason why I'm so glad I take continuous birth control.