I agree, plus he has gotten quite a bit more screen time and he has been having heart to hearts with everyone
I agree, plus he has gotten quite a bit more screen time and he has been having heart to hearts with everyone
God forbid a cliff hangar. Can't believe all the crying. Guess what… You will find out in Oct, and the ratings will be just fine. I thought the driving part of the episode dragged some but the Negan part was done just as the comic portrayed it.. Almost word for word. Quit crying lol
Just wait…
All of them were on Carls right no? I think it's Abraham.
I had no problemo with the end scene. I thought they brought Negans scene to life just fine. The driving around got old, that I agree. This writer is an idiot though. Why would they open up the story arc with the guys in armor that saved Morgan?? Ok flash them for next season but the writer complains they left it…
To hell with that lazy ending to the Sopranos!
Agreed. I have no problem with the Negan scene. This writer and half the fan base would complain about anything they do. I do agree the commercials were ridiculous, and the amount of driving around was a little much, but overall I thought it was good. As for the guy in the armor/ pads, this dumb idiot of a writer…