
Got one in the garage and love it.

My mother, an antiques buyer/seller, has that Chicago poster hanging in the bathroom. I've always really liked it. I ended up ordering a few reproductions of similar prints from the Chicago Historical Society. Very reasonable.

Seems culturally insensitive, but not racist. Or maybe it's now culturally insensitive to not say it's racist when someone does something culturally insensitive.

The way magic is explained in this book is so different and refreshing, that you can almost believe it's real.

A guy in a Wrangler TJ w/ an LS7 in it.

How about the buildings on Pitcairn island? Aren't they made out of parts of the HMS Bounty?

I love my 920. My problem with it is that it is my 5th 920. I am continually having problems with it. And I'm about to go swap this one, too, because every call has become distorted. I'm thinking instead about pushing for an early-upgrade to the 1020, but the lack of any hardware changes (other than the obvious

yeah i'm getting heebie jeebies just looking at that guy.

Maybe the jack helped. There had to be some leverage in play. Let's call Archimedes for a consultation.

Baltimore has Captain James Restaurant

No, and as a camera phone, this is awesome. The best camera is the one you have with you, etc.

Also bothered about the lack of any concern for how nukes work. They don't go hit the building (or mothership) and then explode. Every nuke ever has worked on some sort of location-based trigger. Just annoying that they used a well-known weapon and ignored its functionality instead of some SHIELD weapon that

Loving this phone/camera, but how is this new? Digital zoom has been around for a while. And my DSLR shoots a JPEG and a RAW every shutter-click.. which is basically the same as described, here.

You have a period of time to pay after winning the auction; it doesn't have to be immediate.

I'm sure he had it on his watch list. Or recently viewed. Something like that. It's a fun story. MS should use it to sell people on Windows Phone 8 (has built-in Kids Mode).

Horrible, to be sure.

You watched someone try to break into your car for 45 mins? There's got to be a story behind that.

I have heard from other people, too, that Jeeps are just more abundant on the East Coast (where I am). This doesn't make any sense to me, since the best Jeeping is out west, but I guess I shouldn't complain. If I had to pick between having Jeeps available easily or having the places out west to take them, I'd pick

What kind of Jeep? I occasionally search just to see what's available, and routinely see a Commando, CJ, or Waggy. Occasionally, I've seen a Willy's or a J-truck.

My installer was dumb.