
My condensation drain line doesn't work on the Air Handler in the attic of the house. I have to carry a 3 gallon bucket of water down the attic steps 3-5 times a day until I get around to fixing it. my arms and back are seriously feeling it.

I... cannot believe we both did this. Just posted; then saw yours. h/t.

As a result of a secret government program called the "Toledo Experiment", a Vietnam-era Jeep Grand Wagoneer was sent back in time to help the good General win the revoluationary war. In this recently discovered image that was definitely not made in MS Paint just now, we see the future first President of these United

The wife's car is a Flex Limited Ecoboost.

No, not that one. That one's for Willy.

I love to see the designers make polarizing decisions with design. When it's unoffensive to everyone, it's interesting to none.

Here's her groom.

This is the first time I've heard anyone disparage Jeep owners on the whole. Why are they assholes?

Ah, thanks.

Wrenching while watching ST:TNG and then photoshop for a few hours == a day's work. I mean COME ON.

Where at? I was in Fallujah in 2007. They had a bunch of these recently arrived and it was nice seeing fewer decimated humvees returning to fob once they got in rotation.

Google just re-did my neighborhood. They drove up my long driveway at the end of my dead-end street to turn around, and were 'thoughtful' enough to post the imagery of the process.

Now that I look closer, the rear glass is different. What am I looking at, here?

I was behind one of these just yesterday on north bound 83 out of Baltimore. No idea what this thing was doing in Rush Hour, but better than sitting in storage.

There's been talk for at least 2 years about the Durango being replaced with a new 7-seater Jeep; to be called the Grand Wagoneer.

Name something the governed consent on. Using vague concepts like "privacy" doesn't count.

Perhaps a more market-based approach. Give the people a chance to try out what you've been building and I bet they all start using it.

The argument I keep seeing in comments is basically "I want an Xbox 360 with more polygons". That's so boring. What they had was something new and different and now they have the same thing they and their competitors have always had.

This is my concern, as well. Sharing is way better than the off-chance of buying a game used.

Cops use planes to ticket speeders; why would the FBI not use drones to tail suspects. If they aren't doing it already, someone will be flying drugs over the border in one soon. [insert about 1000 more examples here.] Whatever technology is available will be used by all sides.. stop being surprised by it. Elect