
You are correct, but applied incorrectly. The newer part is the very beginning. "Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water" and all that. It's likely sourced from Babylonian creation myths like the Enuma Elish and molded to supercede the polytheistic story with the monotheistic one. The second creation

ah, you beat me to it.

I'll agree that the 3.6 was awful. I can't speak to the trans on the JK but the TJ ones were never all that great until the last couple of years. At least the autos. The 32RH sucked, and the 42RLE was never as good as it's competitors (in my opinion). The AX-15 was a good manual in stock and lightly modified TJ's.

A little idealistic, but..

The way an archaeological site is explored is vastly different today than it was 100yrs ago, yes? The way we do science changes because the way we understand the data is changing. The same is true for Christianity (at least). We don't disregard the path to getting to a more full picture of God because it was the

You list a bunch of valid concerns and assign them to republicans, and then a bunch of valid thoughts concerning the outcome derived from the validity of those same concerns, and assign them to democrats. When you wish to contrast differing view points, you have to do some contrasting.

whois data for that site says it was just registered today.

NP. That 1.9 is amazing and near infinitely upgradable. I've always wanted to put one in a Wrangler. There's a company (HSA?) now making a kit to do just that. The torque!

Max out my render distance so I could see to China.

I meant this specifically for the car repair use, by the way. Tried to use the "caption" stuff but repeated attempts failed.

This may be useful in some situations, but I'm struggling to come up with as many uses as you'd like.

Very nice. I'm in Baltimore; I do see some Westfalia's now and then, and there's a VW shop in the city that has a lot of older Type II's, but never anything clean and updated.

I look for one as clean as yours weekly on Craigslist. Not that I should buy it. But I want to anyway.

I drove an '02 Beetle TDI for a couple of years because I paid so little money for it, and it got such great MPG, that the savings vastly overcompensated for the image concerns. After a couple of weeks, I was singing it's praises. Huuuuge head room, ample leg space, and you would not believe the stuff you can fit in

I have a new theory. It is a fallacy that Russians don't give a shit. Russians give the appropriate number of shits.

wow check out the ground clearance with that suspension set up. Looks like portals. Probably no suspension travel, though.

thanks for the laugh

Anybody remember "The Dig" ? Loved that game. I replayed a particular piece over and over trying to understand a sound byte. To this day, I'm quite sure it was:

You know what happens next, right?