
Windows needs its own Adium (and no, I'm sorry, Digsby doesn't count). Pidgin is decent - I've been using it for years - but every time I use Adium, I automatically start making comparisons.

What a cool notion (although not exactly revolutionary). I'm going to check this out ASAP - I've been using unison to do cross-platform file syncing, and while it works great, I have to sync things manually.

@Phoshi: Me too!!! All the drive and skill, but NO ideas. Hmmmm...

I've been a web developer for some time now and my biggest piece of advice is this: learn on your own. I was a Computer Science major in college and can honestly say that maybe 1 - 2% of the curriculum was useful in learning web development; the rest, I learned on my own. It's tedious, difficult, and definitely

I have created a variation on the "Expert Radio" set of playlists described here. It works great: every time I sync music to my 16GB iPod, I get a healthy mix of new stuff, stuff I haven't heard in a while, and random stuff, all while avoiding stuff that I've rated lowly.

I started using this because it had an installer (unless its JkDefrag parent). ;)

As a long time Windows user, I find it frustrating to need a 3rd party program to accomplish such base functionality. Nothing against Windows itself, but it's hard to get fired up about something like this when you're used to command line diff'ing (even in Cygwin).

@veronykah: Unless you are naturally dark skinned (and as someone above pointed out, that doesn't necessarily "protect" you), a change in skin color (aka, increased melanin) indicates that your skin is damaged. As I'm sure you're well aware, the ultraviolet light that causes such an increase also causes skin cells to

Alright chums, here's my question of the week.

@KentPashoo: Ahhh, okay - because I was thinking, "Why in the world would I use this over Dropbox?"

Sweet! I always get excited by core updates. :)

@wewillchange: I just installed the latest Songbird on Ubuntu 9.04 and haven't had a problem with it at all ... what do you find is the problem?

My office isn't really an office at all - everyone sits together in a big room. We do have light banter and talks, but it makes us super productive to have other people right there to bounce ideas off of. Overall, I think it's a great setup.

So useful! I have the Google-sponsored Gmail+Gcal bar icons for Mac, but was looking for something similar in Windows land. Thanks, Greg!

Hang on, people. We're not certain that this multilingual translation is all Google is rolling out. Keep your shorts on and let's see some official announcements.

A friend of mine works for an IT security firm and posted about an interesting technique for designing password systems that take into account how a person types a password, not just what the password is. Pretty cool stuff.