
Dang - faster, indeed. Love it!

Spotify is where it's at for me. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to trash my 50-60GB collection of music. The way I see it: if Spotify ever disappears, then all l I lost was a fairly trivial amount of cash on a great service (and not my entire collection).

I really hate to be a party pooper, y'all, but I'm not certain that aluminum is the best stuff for our bodies to ingest (in deodorant, or otherwise).

Doesn't seem to work for me. I've tried two different email addresses, wifi and 3G, etc. - I've not gotten a single email yet (I've done 4 recordings). Did the service get Lifehacker'd? Shame - I'd really like to have this.

I let an AutoHotKey script do it for me. :)

I AM EXCITED!! Seriously (all fanboyishness aside): the better of a product that Google provides, the more it will push Apple. Healthy competition means we win.

VOTE: Moneydance

This is a great idea... however, Comcast, Xcel, and Verizon are all non-participants at this point. Sooo, I'm stuck hoping that they "connect" at some point.

@egoods: Agreed - Adium is too good. It would take something incredible to switch.

@hewhoroams: I would use BigWords, which is a book aggregating service. It'll figure out where you can get the most money for your books; I used it religiously while in college.

Any real need to log in with the dotted version of my address? Any kung fu associated with it?

What about the out-of-the-box acceptance of the iPhone and iPod Touch? It was reported in their forums that that was working, but nobody seems to be promoting it. Anybody have a word on that?

VOTE: Back in Time (Linux)

@Niscrome: Amen. I don't see how QS, Alfred, or Launchy provides anything above and beyond what Spotlight already does.

I was an avid Launchy user on Windows; however, as far as an OS X version, can someone explain to me how it does anything beyond what Spotlight already does?

It'll be interesting to see how many people simply hook their new Facebook email accounts into Gmail (or whether that's even necessary).

I hope that one day, Google powers the filters up a bit more. It'd be nice to set things like filter priority. One day!

@jeremiah89: Like tdbtdb001 said, the 'gl' shortcut (which has to be enabled as a lab feature, I think), can get you there. Type 'gl' and then start to type 'spam."

This is a great idea, especially on Windows where boot times - primarily those on older PCs - are sooo slow.

@aja175: Amen - the Droid was the best Android phone on the market until Google tried to push the NO. It needs some loving, too.