
Hi and thanks for the review David ! I’m Mario, the developer of TabTopus, I just finished the version 2.2 with added support for Brave Browser (will be live in the App Store the next week). I want to add support to Firefox also, right now I’m investigating that possibility. Cheers and thank you again !!

I want to point out that this is a generalization and like most kitchen “rules”, there is a time and a place. Through years of being the chef for big breakfasts (fundraisers, sports teams, etc), I’ve learned that yes, med-low is the best when you are making dozens of eggs’ worth of scrambled eggs. The seconds spent

And get egg in my Daiquiri? Come on!

I grew up with the exact same experience and came way with the exact opposite opinion. I learned to cook my own food because of those eggs.

A big ass cast iron pizza pan. I’ve never actually cooked pizza on it, but it stays on the big burner of my stove all the time. I have other cast iron pans but I use this for 90% of my cast iron cooking. If you don’t already have an integrated flat top on your stove, these are essential for everyday searing, browning,

A big ass cast iron pizza pan. I’ve never actually cooked pizza on it, but it stays on the big burner of my stove

I don’t think you fully grasp the implications here. That’s his toilet now. You get the litter box.

So is he now the flattest flat Earther?

I’m a government employee. Most of our programs will only work in IE. Just getting them to work on IE11 was a multi-year battle. 

Same, bought a Samsung laser for 187$ in 2002, treated it very badly for like 12 years. Still worked when I replaced it with a brother all in one which saved my butt when buying a house by being able to stack documents and scan them.

maniacs who want to ruin their septic systems

This is like the boat equivalent of planes landing in Las Vegas. Serious, McCarran is closer to civilization than anywhere I’ve seen in the States.

Da fuq? ;)

I think that is awesome, actually.

A alguien más se le ha ocurrido que tal vez y solo tal vez la NSA y Microsoft inventan vulnerabilidades espantosas para obligar a todos a actualizar donde la actualización no es más que un simple troyano. Por ejemplo. Que sirva para detectar a quienes usan tal OS o incluso dejarles inservible el OS? No sé. Las

Was so confused when the dude just started talking about passwords. For a good 15 seconds I was like hmm, I guess not having to worry about passwords while on vacation would reduce some stress. Wait WTF does this have to do with how cruises work???

At 6:30 this video turns into an 90 second infomercial for Dashlane!

I’m tempted to create a bunch of fake logins so I can give you many, many stars for this.

I’ve tried to switch to Linux several times in my life. I swear I’ve tried to have the most open of minds and lots of patience, but there’s always something that makes me switch back. Whether it’s lack of software options or bizarre issues with drivers or whatever. And I’ve come to the conclusion that Linux isn’t an

Alternatively, steal the sheet off the Mrs and put some head plugs in. Guaranteed result, I don’t know how she does it and she won’t tell me.

“Lastly, you’ll be fine if the airline loses your luggage. You won’t have to show up to that big meeting in sweatpants.”