
This is like the boat equivalent of planes landing in Las Vegas. Serious, McCarran is closer to civilization than anywhere I’ve seen in the States.

Da fuq? ;)

I think that is awesome, actually.

Yeah man. Also, people who kick them, throw them around. Just bums me out.

I legit teared up when I realized what it was. I’d only played MS Flight Sim X casually back in the day, but apparently it had a much greater impact on me than I realized.

A alguien más se le ha ocurrido que tal vez y solo tal vez la NSA y Microsoft inventan vulnerabilidades espantosas para obligar a todos a actualizar donde la actualización no es más que un simple troyano. Por ejemplo. Que sirva para detectar a quienes usan tal OS o incluso dejarles inservible el OS? No sé. Las

It’s pretty weird how attitudes towards “cheating” in video games have evolved over the years. I remember when I was a kid, the primary value of things like “video game magazines” was that they had the cheats in them. I knew one kid who was was briefly the coolest kid in school since he was the first in his peer


(Security professional here)

Who the fuck streams Wheel of Fortune?.

...Jessica Whaley, apparently. Gotta catch her Twitch channel.

The Media Creation Tool actually downloads the latest version of Win 10, so most of the updates are included in the download.

It still amazes me how many people put up with Windows.  Maybe it’s time for an article on installing a Linux distro?  Ubuntu, Mint, or my fave, Kubuntu. With all the seeming concern about privacy these days, running Linux would seem to be a no-brainer.

If we lived in a world without burglary you might be correct.

Was so confused when the dude just started talking about passwords. For a good 15 seconds I was like hmm, I guess not having to worry about passwords while on vacation would reduce some stress. Wait WTF does this have to do with how cruises work???

At 6:30 this video turns into an 90 second infomercial for Dashlane!

Opened these extension links in new tabs so I can check them out later.

I’m tempted to create a bunch of fake logins so I can give you many, many stars for this.

I’ve tried to switch to Linux several times in my life. I swear I’ve tried to have the most open of minds and lots of patience, but there’s always something that makes me switch back. Whether it’s lack of software options or bizarre issues with drivers or whatever. And I’ve come to the conclusion that Linux isn’t an

Alternatively, steal the sheet off the Mrs and put some head plugs in. Guaranteed result, I don’t know how she does it and she won’t tell me.

“Lastly, you’ll be fine if the airline loses your luggage. You won’t have to show up to that big meeting in sweatpants.”