
Set up a camera. 152'-6" Canopener footage.

A person is said to commit false imprisonment when they restrain another person to a single area, restricting their free motion. That Asfaw is the only protester to face those charges when several others were arrested, though, is strange.

The people protesting that BLM get better treatment. Can’t qwhite put my finger on why.

Many times, the necessity of conducting a pursuit is questionable. In this case, however, it appears the suspect was the one that escalated it at every stage. Once a police vehicle is intentionally struck, it’s now a violent felony. Of course police will initiate pursuit. Once the suspect hit another vehicle, causing



And in fewer than 10 years, all of Gen X.

Surprisingly, the BMW has LESS cornering clearance than the equivalent Harley, and that’s a problem... Coming from a sport bike, I’m constantly scraping.

I don’t think the MoCo will be too worried about the R 18 until BMW figures out how to put forward controls on these bikes.

I don’t much care for the whole, “Oh, do you have a girlfriend” crap, because my parents did it to me and I bloody hated it and won’t do it to my kids.

Aimee, with all due respect, why is this a Lifehacker post? Isn’t this content more suitable for Jezebel? Thanks

We project adulthood onto children for the same reason we project humanity onto pets: it’s funny in its absurdity and useful in helping construct some sort of theory of mind, however flawed.

Rumor is GM has offered a Corvette loaner.

When people swing out the opposite way to make a turn. You aren’t towing a trailer, and you’re coming into my lane. Fuck off.

Kill yourself

“My Pillow”!!! My neck pain is GONE since switching to the My Pillow.

“My Pillow”!!! My neck pain is GONE since switching to the My Pillow.

Freddy, we’re gonna have one of those meetings later where I talk and you listen.

I ask anyone who reads this to continue and shower every day. Specially if you take public transportation or sit in a cubicle farm.

Better yet, how do you survive the holidays with family? Sorry, I’m not a people person and cramming two or three generations of people into a house is just miserable for me. It’s not that I dislike anyone but more that everyone together is just terrible. One relative is always complaining that their life is