
I’m wondering IF I’ll ever get one for my 2001 7 Series. The thing has at least 10 airbags, and I find it hard to believe BMW used different airbags for the E38 (which isn't yet affected) than the E46 and E39 which are.

My 1990 Honda Accord went from daily driver to winter beater overnight. Part of me hates seeing her sit on the road like a junker, considering how much love I had for it over the years. But so many things need to be repaired like an exhaust leak, oil leak, oil sensor, slight rust removal, the fact the car shakes a bit

Awesome, thanks! I’ll let her know. She’s working with East-coast, Quebec, and Ontario dealers, but I think she’s visited that dealer out in Alberta. Either way, great story!

I look at the mileage, though it’s far from the most important factor when considering which car I might want to purchase. I daily drive a 1990 Honda Accord with almost 310,000km on it. I purchased it with 197,000km and have replaced most of the wear-and-tear parts since. Small problems pop up, like the radiator

My wife works for Mazda Canada and loves hearing stories like this. Do you mind letting me know which dealer it was? Thanks!

I daily dive a 1990 Honda Accord. Maybe not the oldest car that will be replied here, but certainly one of the most reliable. I bought it a few years ago based on price alone, getting it certified and emissions tested for $2,000. I've put some cometic and functional upgrades onto it over the years, such as factory fog

I missed the original post looking for crazy things, and while this one might not have made the list, it's my GM fridge! When showing houses in Oshawa a year ago, my client ended up buying this place which came with a General Motors fridge. The thing worked great, although probably killed it on electricity. I wish I